Casual and Comfy Modest Outfits! Featuring Sierra Brooke & Deela Couture

Happy Friday! Finals are over and my second fall semester at West Coast Baptist College is officially over and I am beyond excited to be back home in Utah! Looking back from a year ago to my first fall semester God has definitely moved and worked in my heart and I cannot believe how much I have grown since that first semester. This topic deserves a blog post all on its own, but for now I can only express gratitude toward God and my parents for allowing me to attend an institution that still believes in the power of prayer and the Word of God.



Casual Modest Outfit #1: Deela Couture 

During finals week, it is the most stressful time for all of us on campus! Finals week deserves comfy, cute, and no-ironing needed type of dresses! This is why modest swing dresses are the way to go!


I am absolutely obsessed with this black and white modest swing dress from Deela Couture. It is so classy and comfy! I paired up this dress with a classic, country chic, horse bit buckle belt with my cognac chunky heels from Target! Of course I could not forget a floppy wool hat from Walmart!  (DIRECT LINK) Probably the cheapest I have seen them ($10) and they carry them in all sorts of colors!



I love that Deela Couture makes all of their clothing with quality and makes sure that every piece is designed to provide comfort and style! I just had to have this dress!! img_7756

Casual modest Outfit #2: Comfy Fall Floral Striped Dress from Sierra Brooke Clothing


I absolutely LOVE this glamorous dress!! The bold stripes, the maroon colors, and the floral print make it one of my favorites!! It is such a unique dress that it is no wonder that it is a hot selling item! img_7752img_7753

The Chelsea dress is very stretchy and I love the fact that the length is modestly long yet not too long where it hits the awkward length! Sierra Brooke is RIGHT NOW offering 10% OFF any purchase by using the code: “SBFRIENDS” at checkout! 


Still cannot get enough of my affordable Walmart floppy hat! img_7750


I hope you guys check out these amazing websites for modest clothing and definitely consider buying one (or two) for you and as gifts for your skirt girls!


What I Wore:
“Chelsea” Maroon Striped Floral Dress: Sierra Brooke 

Black and White Swing Dress: Deela Couture 

Chic Floppy Hat: Walmart

Special Mentions: 

Photography by: Jasmine Nicole Labra 



Sponsorship and Clothing Provided by:

Instagram: Sierra Brooke Clothing @sierrabrookeclothing

Instagram:  Deela Couture @deela_couture 

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ModestlyHot Instagram: @ModestlyHot


*DISCLAIMER* Thank you for the generosity of Sierra Brooke & Deela Couture for sponsoring this post! Please note that all my opinions are still my own as I only promote companies that comply with ModestlyHot’s core values of faith, fashion and fitness! I am EXTREMELY grateful for all your continued support through out the years and for the amazing opportunities that have come out of it! I truly mean it when I say that all of this could not be made possible without God and you! (Yes, you reading this behind the screen!)

Meet My City Monday: Moab Delicate Arch Hike Featuring Modest Workout Clothing!


Hello and Happy Monday!! This month of August has already been go, go, go!

Thank you ALL for immense amount of support on my snapchat, Instagram stories, Facebook and of course my blog! You are all so wonderful to me and I just want to again thank you for it!


If you follow me on this “new” platform that Instagram released, “Instagram stories” *ahem Snapchat knockoff* you were able  to see in real time this amazing infamous hike, the delicate arch hike in Moab Utah! I mean there is a reason why this is on our state’s license plates!


Me directly under the delicate arch wearing my ModSwim black and white wrap workout dress! img_6239


The delicate arch just around this bend! The most rewarding sight we did see!

We woke up really early in the morning (4:30am to be exact) to be able to watch as the sun was rising over the entire canyon! img_5173

Ta Da! There she is! It was a relatively short hike, however it is uphill all the way and is categorized as “strenuous” hike on the map.


Definitely worth the early morning rise, since there was a small amount of people on the trail which gave us the opportunity to  enjoy the scenery all on our own!

Silly faces with my brother 😉




Now what did I wear to this hiking trip you may ask?

I sported my favorite modest activewear dress, that’s right I said DRESS from ModSwim! 

You guys I’ll be completely honest with you when I first heard of “modest fitness wear” I was very skeptical as to the overall aesthetic of it. Like, would it look like a potato sack dress from Little House on the Prairie? (Nothing against Little House love that show, but I certainly wouldn’t want to wear their 1800’s fashion ! lol)


I adore this modest workout dress from Mod Swim because it has a gorgeous, flattering wrap style cut, it is made out of breathable fabric, and love that I can go running, biking, jumping, and even swimming in this fab dress!

So say goodbye to your basketball shorts and oversized tee shirt ladies and get ready for a more feminine solution to modest workout clothing!


So now I’m about to get real with y’all and since we are all women and have our struggles with our image, I’m sure most of you ladies can relate to what I am about to say!

During my freshman college year I gained the most amount of weight I had ever gained in my life before! They really weren’t kidding about the whole “Freshman 15” thing that’s  for sure!

The over processed food, the all nighters that were pulled for a test the next day, stress, and just flat out not exercising were all causing my rapid weight gain!

I jumped from a size 2 to a size 6! Thankfully I can now again wear my beloved size small midi skirts and fit in my size 2 dresses! Hooray!


I knew it had to be stopped before it got out of my control! So I am not in any way, shape or form a fitness expert nor am I anywhere near of where I would like to be, but I will more than gladly share what helped me lose 12 pounds in 2 months!

Since I hear about it all the time at West Coast how the guys have to alliterate their  sermons, I thought I’d give it a go for this blog post! So without further ado, here are the three W’s to my weightloss!

Tip #1: Water!


Now I know what you’re thinking, and yes it is an obvious tip, but hear me out, studies show that more than 70% of Americans do not drink the sufficient amount of water each day! So what I have found helpful is setting reminder throughout the day to drink water! It is mind blowing how a simple pop up reminder on my phone can engrave in my brain that it is time to drink water!

Here is another of my favorite apps to track how much water I have drank! It is called “Waterlogged” it tracks all of your daily water intake and then rewards you with either a free audiobook, game, or download for free !

Tip #2: Walking! 


Walking after dinner, walking after I know I splurged on a sweet I shouldn’t have, or just  walking at the mall has helped me a ton to lose the 12 pounds!

Pacer is an app that I adore because it is a community of regular people who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle who support you by creating and joining groups to walk at least 10,00 steps a day!

You should aim for 10,000 steps a day for weightloss and an overall healthier, active lifestyle!


Tip #3: Weighted Jumprope!


Hear me out, go to Walmart and buy a weighted jumprope (also known as a boxing jumprope) and jumprope for 15 minutes a day to burn 150 calories!! Amazing and quick cardio!

That’s right you just need to do it 15 minutes a day to burn that many calories! It’s awesome, and you will break a sweat!

P.S. Do not get discouraged if you cannot jump rope the entire 15 minutes in one go, trust me it’s harder than it sounds! Start out by dividing the 15 minutes into 3 five minute segments and work your way up!



I absolutely loved shooting at East High School, a school you may recognize as part of the set of High School Musical!


I hope you guys didn’t mind this uber long post and if you find these tips helpful let me know!

As always God bless and I will see you in the next post!


Ashley Amber


 Modest Workout Dress: ModSwim || Photography By: Trish Karen ||

Photoshoot Location: East High School  || Weighted JumpRope ||

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