🇱🇷Modest Fourth of July Outfit Inspiration 🇱🇷

Hello and Happy Fourth Everyone! 😊💙

Wooo I barely made the cut this year for Fourth of July outfits! (It always gets crazy busy toward the end of June/beginning of July!) 

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday🇱🇷👌😍😊 (next to Christmas of course!)  

I just love all the fireworks, festivals and food😉

I rarely shop for a new outfit on the Fourth of July because more than half of my wardrobe already is red, white and blue or nautical! 

So let me challenge you today to shop your own closet and create your own unique #ootd👌 By mixing and matching pieces you already own! 

For a little outfit inspo here is what I came up with using items that were already in my closet! 

Outfit #1: Stars, Stripes, Dots & Tulle 

  • Patriotic Sweater: Poshmark
  • White Tulle Skirt: Taralynn’s Boutique 
  • Polka Dot Heels: Shoedazzle (last season) 

Outfit #2 Polkadots & Stripes 

  • Navy Polkadot Blouse: DownEast 
  • Red striped Midi Skirt: Taralynn’s Boutique 
  • Red Bow Heels: JustFab 

Outfit #3 Anchors & Stripes 

If you haven’t already noticed this red striped Midi skirt makes Fourth of July outfits that much cuter since it resembles the stripes on our flag🇱🇷

  • Anchor Blouse: Rue 21
  • Red Striped Midi Skirt: Taralynn’s Boutique 
  • Nude Heels: DownEast

Outfit #4 Nautical Patriotic Outfit 

  • Anchor Long Sleeve: Rue21
  • White Midi Skirt: Taralynn’s Boutique 
  • Anchor Heels: Amazon 

Outfit #5 Casual Tee & Gingham 

A monthly scripture tee delivered to your door😊 

  • Red Gingham Midi Skirt: DownEast
  • Anchor Sandals: Claire’s 

Outfit #6 Chambray Chic & Gingham

  • Chambray Shirt & Gingham Skirt: Downeast Basics 

Outfit #7 Accesories for the Win

Comfy Stripes & Pops of Blue &Red💙❤️

Outfit #8 Denim Dresses 


Think red lipstick as an accessory to transform your denim dress into a retro patriotic outfit. 

  • Denim Dress: Shabby Apple (size 4)

Outfit #9 Red, White & Blue 

  • Blue Blouse: VeryJane
  • White a Tulle Midi Skirt: Taralynn’s Boutique 
  • Red Bow Heels: GoJane 

Outfit #10 Its all in the sleeves 

Obsessed with this season’s dramtic ruffle sleeves! I just had to throw this one in! 

  • Americana Headband: Claire’s 
  • Blue Ruffle Off the shoulder top: Ross 
  • Red Midi Skirt : Taralynn’s Boutique 

Meet My City Monday: Moab Delicate Arch Hike Featuring Modest Workout Clothing!


Hello and Happy Monday!! This month of August has already been go, go, go!

Thank you ALL for immense amount of support on my snapchat, Instagram stories, Facebook and of course my blog! You are all so wonderful to me and I just want to again thank you for it!


If you follow me on this “new” platform that Instagram released, “Instagram stories” *ahem Snapchat knockoff* you were able  to see in real time this amazing infamous hike, the delicate arch hike in Moab Utah! I mean there is a reason why this is on our state’s license plates!


Me directly under the delicate arch wearing my ModSwim black and white wrap workout dress! img_6239


The delicate arch just around this bend! The most rewarding sight we did see!

We woke up really early in the morning (4:30am to be exact) to be able to watch as the sun was rising over the entire canyon! img_5173

Ta Da! There she is! It was a relatively short hike, however it is uphill all the way and is categorized as “strenuous” hike on the map.


Definitely worth the early morning rise, since there was a small amount of people on the trail which gave us the opportunity to  enjoy the scenery all on our own!

Silly faces with my brother 😉




Now what did I wear to this hiking trip you may ask?

I sported my favorite modest activewear dress, that’s right I said DRESS from ModSwim! 

You guys I’ll be completely honest with you when I first heard of “modest fitness wear” I was very skeptical as to the overall aesthetic of it. Like, would it look like a potato sack dress from Little House on the Prairie? (Nothing against Little House love that show, but I certainly wouldn’t want to wear their 1800’s fashion ! lol)


I adore this modest workout dress from Mod Swim because it has a gorgeous, flattering wrap style cut, it is made out of breathable fabric, and love that I can go running, biking, jumping, and even swimming in this fab dress!

So say goodbye to your basketball shorts and oversized tee shirt ladies and get ready for a more feminine solution to modest workout clothing!


So now I’m about to get real with y’all and since we are all women and have our struggles with our image, I’m sure most of you ladies can relate to what I am about to say!

During my freshman college year I gained the most amount of weight I had ever gained in my life before! They really weren’t kidding about the whole “Freshman 15” thing that’s  for sure!

The over processed food, the all nighters that were pulled for a test the next day, stress, and just flat out not exercising were all causing my rapid weight gain!

I jumped from a size 2 to a size 6! Thankfully I can now again wear my beloved size small midi skirts and fit in my size 2 dresses! Hooray!


I knew it had to be stopped before it got out of my control! So I am not in any way, shape or form a fitness expert nor am I anywhere near of where I would like to be, but I will more than gladly share what helped me lose 12 pounds in 2 months!

Since I hear about it all the time at West Coast how the guys have to alliterate their  sermons, I thought I’d give it a go for this blog post! So without further ado, here are the three W’s to my weightloss!

Tip #1: Water!


Now I know what you’re thinking, and yes it is an obvious tip, but hear me out, studies show that more than 70% of Americans do not drink the sufficient amount of water each day! So what I have found helpful is setting reminder throughout the day to drink water! It is mind blowing how a simple pop up reminder on my phone can engrave in my brain that it is time to drink water!

Here is another of my favorite apps to track how much water I have drank! It is called “Waterlogged” it tracks all of your daily water intake and then rewards you with either a free audiobook, game, or download for free !

Tip #2: Walking! 


Walking after dinner, walking after I know I splurged on a sweet I shouldn’t have, or just  walking at the mall has helped me a ton to lose the 12 pounds!

Pacer is an app that I adore because it is a community of regular people who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle who support you by creating and joining groups to walk at least 10,00 steps a day!

You should aim for 10,000 steps a day for weightloss and an overall healthier, active lifestyle!


Tip #3: Weighted Jumprope!


Hear me out, go to Walmart and buy a weighted jumprope (also known as a boxing jumprope) and jumprope for 15 minutes a day to burn 150 calories!! Amazing and quick cardio!

That’s right you just need to do it 15 minutes a day to burn that many calories! It’s awesome, and you will break a sweat!

P.S. Do not get discouraged if you cannot jump rope the entire 15 minutes in one go, trust me it’s harder than it sounds! Start out by dividing the 15 minutes into 3 five minute segments and work your way up!



I absolutely loved shooting at East High School, a school you may recognize as part of the set of High School Musical!


I hope you guys didn’t mind this uber long post and if you find these tips helpful let me know!

As always God bless and I will see you in the next post!


Ashley Amber


 Modest Workout Dress: ModSwim || Photography By: Trish Karen ||

Photoshoot Location: East High School  || Weighted JumpRope ||

Official ModestlyHot Facebook Page






Modest Gold Sequin Maxi Skirt Featuring Headbands of Hope!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

Today’s outfit is all about Fashion with a Purpose!


Headbands of Hope and I have teamed up to not only promote these super cute handmade headbands, but also with every headband that is purchased, one is given to a child with cancer! How awesome is that?! 



Around the same time Headbands of hope contacted me, a local Salt Lake City volunteer group invited me to attend and participate in a bike parade and 5k for a sweet little girl named Ruby, who was born with a large mass on the back of her head that resembled a tumor.

During a routine MRI scan this spring, a technician inadvertently captured the top of Ruby’s lungs in the image. A CT scan soon followed and it was discovered that Ruby’s lungs were full of tumors. She was given the diagnosis of Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma.

After hearing what Ruby and her family were going through, the community decided to round all their resources together to organize a bike parade and 5K run to raise proceeds for the Thackeray family.

The turn out was unbelievable! Many well known Utah shops donated 5 table full of merchandise and gift baskets ready for the Silent Auction!

There were so many good things to bid on! ( a dozen full of tamales were among the items lol)


Being a kids bike parade I dressed up as Snow White! ( because what little girl doesn’t like Disney?!)


For the Headbands of Hope photoshoot I decided on wearing this gorgeous gold plate headdress that has a diamond chain draped on the outside! A floor length sequin maxi skirt with my “Walking with Purpose” tee seemed to match the mission of Headbands of Hope perfectly!

I would totally check out their website and pick out headband and become a headband hero to a little girl battling cancer! It’s amazing to see what an impact a small decorative headband can have on a girl’s self esteem! >>>>Check out the Giving Gallery HERE!<<<




Because giving looks good on all of us!

Gold Plate and Diamond Headdress || Get Involved with Headbands of Hope || Photography by: Trish Karen 


Happy National Ice Cream Day Featuring Halo Top Creamery!


Happy Sundae Funday!

Sweet Treat Sunday?

Sunday A La Mode?

Clearly I had way too many opening lines for this blog post! (That’s a first!)

Whatever the title may be, I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

(Sorry I had to sneak that last one in 😉


Happy National Ice Cream Day! It’s the All-American treat that never goes out of style!

I am a HUGE and I mean HUGE ice cream fan!! However most of you who are following me on SnapChat (if you haven’t already followed me on snapchat you totally should! 😉 Modestly.Hot)  know that I have been on a weight loss journey (coming soon to the blog) of losing 10 pounds! (Currently down 12! woohoo! )

As a result I have been reducing my calorie and sugar intake which meant ice

cream was totally off limits!

{INSERT Sad Emoji Face here}
Until the ice cream angels of Halo Top creamery enlightened me with information that I could have the entire pint of ice cream for only 240 calories a pint!

QUICK! Someone pinch me and grab me a spoon!

Even better a 1/2 cup of ice cream is just 60 calories with just 4g of sugar!

At last, Healthy Ice Cream!!


This collaboration was a match made in heaven, not only because they came at the ice cream deprived stage of my life, but I couldn’t agree more with the branding of the gold foil top! (If you have not noticed we love our gold around here).


The flavors I chose were Mint Chocolate Chip, Vanilla Bean, Chocolate, and Lemon Cake.

What I immediately noticed as I opened the pint was that it stayed frozen for a longer time, which is explained on the back of the pint.

Halo Top does not use artificial softeners, no corn syrup, no synthetic growth hormones which explains why it freezes a little harder than the other guys!

But hey it is totally worth the wait!


Here are quick mini reviews of each of the 4 flavors I chose:

Vanilla Bean:

PROS: Probably one of the most “natural” tasting ice creams of them all!

You can definitely taste the organic vanilla beans and the sea salt! None of that artificial “fake” tasting vanilla!

CONS: If you prefer ice cream full of “in your face” flavor, this pint may have your palette desiring for more.

However, I actually enjoy the softness in flavor without being overly sweet.


PROS: This pint truly delivers on the authentic taste of cocoa beans! Strong but delightful!

Rich but not overindulgent where I wished I would have skipped dessert all together.

CONS: It tastes darker than milk chocolate, but not as potent as dark chocolate. Strictly  milk chocolate fans might opt for another flavor.

Lemon Cake: 

PROS: Rich, creamy and you DEFINITELY won’t miss the cake at all!! It tastes exactly like a lemon cake! No joke! I know which pint I am reaching for when a cake craving at midnight strikes! SOOO GOOD!

CONS: It is the most rich out of all four flavors, you have been warned 😉

Mint Chocolate Chip: 

PROS: Hands down my favorite one!! You wont miss out on any of the major competitors version of mint chocolate chip because this one is right up there with them! Plus its high packed with protein and low sugar!

CONS: There are no cons to this one. Period. 😀







A white tulle skirt + Popsicle sticks + one crazy blogger with a hot glue gun = DIY Sprinkle Skirt! 


How genius is this sprinkle inspired DIY thanks to the gals at Treasures and Travels Blog! 

A late night spent on Pinterest is the result of this skirt!


Oh! Before I forget in honor of National Ice Cream Day, the awesome team of Halo Top  and I have teamed up to bring one lucky ModestlyHot friend a chance to win 4 FREE Pints of their choice!! (giveaway will be posted later tonight!)

As always, Thank you for 29.6K friends followers on IG!!!

God Bless,

Ashley Amber


White Tulle Skirt || Organic Healthy Ice Cream || Photography by: Charissa Lee

DIY Ice Cream Skirt Tutorial 


Meet My City Monday: Best Utah Nail Salon Featuring NAILED Salon Review!


Welcome to a new blog series, “Meet My City Monday” where I will be giving you a tour of my personal favorites in my home state (ahem the best state EVER lol) Utah!

Today will be a review on the infamous NAILED! salon located in Salt Lake City, Utah!



Arriving there: The NAILED! salon/boutique is located in Salt Lake City, Utah

in a quaint but endearing neighborhood that could easily be missed if you do not have your google maps turned on. Here is the specific address:

875 700 S , Salt Lake City, UT 84102


On Mondays Ashley and Karli get manicures and pedicures at NAILED! salon.


First Impression: When we first arrived at the salon we were enamored by the most adorable story tale entrance of this quaint little house turned into a nail salon!

As I walked in I was instantly greeted by the girl at the counter with the best customer service and she was totally fine by this weird blogger taking random pictures of their establishment.

The main entrance of this salon is the cutest boutique filled with the trendiest of items and seating areas for you to sit and wait for your appointment. While I was waiting I was instructed to go pick a nail polish color for a much needed pedicure!

Of course I went with a rose gold glitter OPI nail polish! (I forgot the exact name!)


My gorgeous friend Karli from @teach.shop.love  and I, very much could get used to getting pampered like this every day! It’s always a fun time when we get to catch up with each other!


Once we were seated our wonderful nail techs did their job and then some!

Both of our nail techs carried on a conversation as if we’ve known each other forever! (Totally not awkward!)

They were pretty efficient in their work, yet they did not RUSH us! No wonder they have won “Best of the Beehive” numerous times, and even featured on Instyle Magazine!


This nail salon exemplifies what it is to live in the gorgeous state of Utah. The overall experience is warm and inviting, yet always achieving excellency. Many places in Utah have a very “home-y” feel to them all while being top notch in their industries. This is what i love most about my home state! I cannot wait to share my even more of favorite places in my awesome city, Salt Lake City!

If you are a Utah local I have linked below the business hours and the exact directions. I totally recommend them and encourage you to go check them out next time you need to pamper yourself!

Until next time!

God Bless,

Ashley Amber


875 E 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84102
(801) 532-6245
Open now: 9AM–8PM


Pink Modest Floral Dress Featuring Indigo & Sage + GIVEAWAY!!!

Ready, Set? Floral!

If you have been following me for even a short period of time, you know my favorite kind of print (besides anchor print) is a feminine floral!


This dress is especially one of my favorites because the dress resembles that of an artist sketching out a flawless floral scenery with watercolors!

The detail of the brush strokes and complimentary colors make this floral dress unique!

Indigo and Sage is an online boutique based in Utah (Yeah home town pride!)  and asked me to review and style this dress for you guys! Of course I accepted!

img_0849 (1)img_0851img_4067

On a side note can I just express how grateful I am to be able to share my beliefs and ideas on such a creative platform as this? I am truly blessed to call you all my brothers and sisters in Christ, and the amount of encouragement you give me daily is something I genuinely appreciate!

img_0849 (1)

I added to this dress my Peek A Boo Chic  Cream crochet layering slip to add a frill to the already girly print! Plus it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to modesty!


I also added my infamous GoJane Hot Pink studded heels  and a five strand pearl necklace for even more fancy schmacy details!

Now looking at the elements of this outfit I guess you could categorize it as a “modern Grandma” revamp inspired outfit! Crochet, lace, floral and pearls in a modern yet still modest outfit that I’m sure Grandma would approve!


Oh you guys I cannot wait to share something spectacular that happened this week!


Keep scrolling………



You’re almost there!




Wait for it………..







AND cue the graphic











AAAH!!!!! I cannot believe this!!! Guess who is going to be attending the Hello live conference VIP style?!!

I am so glad you are not able to hear my screams and shrieks right now!

If you have no clue why this crazy girl on the other side of the screen is so excited, let me enlighten you!

Hello live conference is a conference specifically for bloggers with special guest speakers and workshops providing you with all the tips and resources you need as a blogger to further your “blogging career”!

If you are not following me on SnapChat you totally should! As I will be taking you along with me all throughout the conference!

Anyways on that happy note, let us end this Thursday right with a giveaway! Indigo and Sage have been so generous in offering all ModestlyHot friends and followers an opportunity to WIN THIS DRESS! Check out my Instagram later tonight for more details!
Hope you all have a fun and blessed weekend!


2 Corinthians 12:10 King James Version (KJV)

10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.



Pink Watercolor Floral Dress || Hot Pink Studded Heels || Cream crochet lace skirt extender || Photography: Mildred Harris 




Modest 4th of July Outfits Lookbook!

Happy 240th Birthday America!


150 million hotdogs, 285 million pounds of fireworks, and $48 million will be spent by consumers shopping for anything, red, white and blue! (that would include me lol!)

Next to Christmas, 4th of July is my favorite holiday! I cannot explain exactly why, but it is!


Nothing is ever free, though to you it be.  Somewhere, Somehow, Someone paid.

American Liberty surely is great, Liberty in Christ is greater!


As I was reading through my devotions this morning it dawned on me that celebrating 4th of July as a Christian takes a whole new meaning on also being liberated from the bondage of sin.

Even though U.S citizens have freedom, ironically some are still held by the chains of their sins. Chains that can only be broken by placing one’s trust on Jesus Christ.

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”



Look #1: Red, White, & Blue (and don’t forget bows! 😉


This white tulle skirt has been paired up with so many different types of looks! Seriously it pairs up with anything you throw at it! This is a great option for a fancy night out on the 4th!

Look #2: Stars & Stripes AND Anchors!  


I’m sorry did someone say anchor heels?! And for how much?

Hello $9.99 heels!


Stay tuned because more looks will be added tomorrow! All outfit, photography and links will be listed down below!


“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” Psalm 33:12



White Tulle Skirt || Anchor Blouse (similar) || Anchor Striped Heels ||

Photography: Trish Karen Photography 












Modest Swimwear Hack! Featuring Jessica Rey and Slide the City Event Review!

1,000 ft. water slide across the streets of downtown SLC? Sign me up! For the longest time ever, I have always wanted to go to this city wide event and my wish finally came true this year!

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

P.S. How cute are all these trendy pool floats? Thanks Target!

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecityView More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

Slide the City  event was organized in waves of time periods you could attend to limit your time waiting in line. Once you reached the top of the hill it was time to grab your float and take the jump to slide the the streets in SLC.

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecityView More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

Okay, funny story literally the night before the event I rushed over to my local Target to grab myself a watermelon pool float! The awesome thing was that all their pool floats were on sale for 50% OFF! Which made my watermelon float that much “sweeter” and pun was definitely intended 😉

Alright so let’s jump right into what I wore to Slide the City! I am so grateful that I had my modest girl trio along with me to take a stand for modesty. I am also grateful that we were not the only ones at the event promoting modesty. You see, I live in Utah which is a conservative state for the most part, and I was beyond pleased to see young ladies in their cute and covered swimsuits while having fun!


Red, White, blue & gingham for a 4th of July picnic inspired look!

My modest swimsuit is from the gorgeous Jessica Rey, founder of Rey swimwear!

Jessica is a sweet friend of mine who I had the pleasure of meeting last August!


She is an inspiration! Her video on the evolution of the swimsuit on Youtube has over 2 million views and is a must watch! It is a beautifully researched lecture on why we choose to be modest.

Plus, I adore her tagline, “Who says it has to be itsy bitsy?”

I expressed to Jessica that I would have to wear a longer skirt over the suit to fit my convictions and she was still willing to work with me! (An exciting Giveaway coming soon! 😉

So here is the modest swimwear hack that will be able to work with just about any swimsuit! It will literally cut your swimsuit shopping in half!

All I did was buy 2 yards of red stretchy fabric at Walmart and an elastic band!

I made a quick DIY circle skirt and sewed on the elastic band and VOILA! Longer swim skirt was finished! Let me know if you’d like a step by step tutorial on it!



the cool thing about this skirt is that it actually dried pretty quick without having to purchase actual swimwear fabric which costs more than half as much!

$3 per yard at Walmart vs. $10 per yard for actual swimwear fabric

$6 (fabric)  + $2 (elastic) = $8 swim skirt


$20 (fabric) + $2 (elastic) = $22 swim skirt


View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

Watermelons, nachos, doughnuts, and flamingos?! I think this just about describes our group! lol

View More: http://trishkarenphotography.pass.us/slidethecity

If you are planning on attending Slide the City, here are some things to consider before you go!

Know before you Go: Slide the City 

  1. Bring as little as possible! If you can leave your purse in your car, DO IT!
  2. Water stations are provided all throughout the event so you can leave that water bottle in your house!
  3. Cheap flip flops are the way to go! I wouldn’t bring my designer pair of sandals to this event as you may run the risk of losing them when going down the slide! *runaway sandals were seen all throughout the event lol*
  4. No towels are needed! If it was as hot as it was here in Utah, there was no need to bring a towel as just walking around made us dry really quickly, plus it is one less thing you need to bring and take care of!


A BIG SHOUTOUT to our amazing photographer Trish  who literally braved all the elements we threw at her and still managed to take amazing photos!

I mean we are talking like, shooting at the worst possible time (noon), water, heat and carrying  all our stuff! She was a trooper! Thank you Trish!

Enjoy the photos and have a great and safe 4th of July weekend!

Modest Swimsuit || Photography by Trish  || Slide the City Event  || Watermelon PooL Float 


Happy Social Media Day! BIG Thank you for 28.6K Followers!


Hello and Happy Social Media Day!

Whoever comes up with these national holidays is a genius! This one I knew I wanted to plan a photoshoot for, because this blog started with an outfit post on social media.


It is crazy to think that my long time followers have known me for 3 years, when I was just 17.

{I’m getting old lol}

As I look back on my primitive posts on Instagram, (which is a scary and slightly embarrassing place to look back on) I see how year after year, without being aware how different my thought process was, and not to mention my style.


June 30th  “aka” Social Media Day  was a celebration day for me. I cannot help but look back and reminisce the excitement I had when my “ModestlyHot” account was only 2 days old, and already had 100 followers!

Although I only reposted cute modest outfits from Pinterest at the time, I slowly conquered my fear and finally after a couple of months I posted my own #ootd.

I remember being so nervous (terrified)  about you guys would think, or if I was going to make a complete fool out of myself.


I very well recognized that me putting myself on the internet would have moments of negativity and backlash, but I was already preparing myself for it. I made it a goal and a promise to myself that if any negative comment would appear that I would not be so easily offended, and that I would try to see if there be any truth to their criticism.

Here are some quick tips to handle criticism/negative comments when they arise 🙂

Tip #1: Do not be easily offended. 

Not being easily offended is a sign of a spiritual maturity as a Christian. Look beyond the initial comment itself and really try to figure out the essence of what they are trying to communicate. Most often negative comments are said in a vulgar and mean spirited tone of voice, but do not focus in on that rather try to capture the essence of the criticism



Keep it classy! Do not lower yourself to use the same fashion of words as they are. Remember you are the owner of the page and all eyes are on you to see how you will react and respond. You set the tone of your blog and social media!


Tip #3: Breathe, Pray and Reply!

Just breathe! We are all humans with a temper but NEVER reply when you are angry!

It will bring you feelings of remorse later on. Ask God to provide you with wisdom on how to reply and may you gain a follower and not an enemy!

A quick testimony about this tip, I had received a negative comment on one of my posts when I first started out. Being human I was tempted to give that person a “piece of my mind” right there and then. But instead I prayed about it and asked God to give me the wisdom and kindness to reply. So I did. What happened next completely shocked me!

The person who had originally made the comment deleted it, apologized, and now she is one of the best supporters I have!

Just goes to show you what a God lead answer said with grace and truth can do!

Do not give people a “piece of your mind”, but rather give them a piece of your heart. ❤


Well I hope you didn’t mind me sharing my thoughts in a long winding post today!

Enjoy the pictures and have a safe and Happy 4th of July weekend!




White Layering Tee || Mint Tulle Ballgown Skirt  || Emoji Balloons  || Gold Bow Belt 

Photography by: Mildred Harris 


Modest Pink Floral Maxi Dress Featuring Winsome Sash Boutique!+ FREE VS PINK NATION FREEBIE 6/28/16

On Mondays we wear PINK! Literally this whole post turned out to be all things PINK related without me trying lol!

Last Thursday was National Pink Day and I rounded up all my fellow modest sisters for a quick photoshoot at this adorable pink wall! Go give each of these fab ladies a follow on Instagram if you haven’t already!

(From left to right)

Keara  @modest_style

Emily @modestgoddess_

Karli @teach.shop.love

Ashley Amber @ModestlyHot


Speaking about PINK you can score yourself a free VS PINK Headband tomorrow 6/28/16 by simply signing up to PINK NATION or downloading the PINK nation app (simple and free!) and showing them at your local VS PINK store the mobile coupon! Thanks to Tina from Free Stuff Finder for this freebie!



And onto today’s blog post which coincidentally is also pink!

Oh my! Pink, floral, modest and oh so comfortable? This dress is all of the above and so easy to move in!  This gorgeous dress is from  Winsome Sash Boutique, a clothing boutique that delivers a fusion of polished sophistication and elegance combined with classic modesty.



I adore the color scheme of this dress, the pink, brown and mauve color palette is so perfect for spring and summer.

Now, let’s talk about the length of this maxi dress, I am a shortie (5’3 to be exact) and this dress is very long, longer than most maxi dresses so I would definitely recommend wearing some tall heels with this dress!



Surprisingly, I did not feel the need to wear anymore accessories beside my go-to cognac wavy band belt!

P.S. Check out how long my nails grew! A blog post on what has been working to grow out my nails is coming soon!



You would think that this long sleeved dress would be too hot to wear in the heat of the day, but actually I noticed that because of the lightweight material it is made out of it’s actually quite a breathable dress!

Modestlyhot Logo

I am so grateful for this past week that we were able to reach 28K followers! And it is honestly crazy to think that this journey started with a 17 year old girl who was so camera shy, and  hid when people busted out a camera. lol! It’s been a great journey full of learning and interacting with you girls who know the struggle of choosing to live a life that is pleasing to God even when the world is constantly opposing it. I have found so much encouragement and joy by your sweet comments, emails and collaborations! THANK YOU! Continue to grow in Christ and never be ashamed of promoting modesty, this world truly needs your “salted light”!

Matthew 5:13-16(KJV)

13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

God Bless,

Ashley Amber




Modest Pink Floral Maxi Dress || Cognac Wavy Belt || Photography: Mildred Harris Photography